Saturday, March 3, 2012


So, it was papa nothing who suggested that I start this blog as a record so to speak, about some of our new changes.  We have been trying to eat "clean" for awhile, but after watching the documentaries "Food Inc" and "Forks over Knives" we have decided to try and switch over to a more predominant plant based diet.  Today was my first shopping experience buying mostly plant based was interesting...and expensive!  This new venture does have a silver lining...I get to re-outfit my kitchen with new gadgets, accessories and knives!  Happy shopping to me!

So, on my list of new foods to buy today; rutabaga, beets, collard greens, tamari, purple cabbage (the kids thought this was great!), butternut squash, portabello mushroom caps, soba noodles, and nori seaweed wraps.  I have NEVER bought any of this stuff before!  I had to call papa nothing several times from the grocery store!

Me: (calling papa nothing) Can you google Tamari for me?
Papa nothing: What?
Me: Tamari...I think it is in the spice section but not sure
Papa nothing: (googling)  it is like soy sauce...
Me: really?  

What exactly is a rutabaga?  I should have looked at pictures on the internet BEFORE I left for the grocery store!  Beets...I knew that they were really red, but no clue as to what they looked like!  I had to check the label three times before I actually believed they were in fact beets!  The beets are the top photo and the rutabaga is the one on the bottom.  Most likely I will have to look up how to cut these up as well!